snvzz 2 days ago | next |

I have tried Beta5. It is awesome.

Excellent responsiveness, vastly improved hardware support and surprisingly large software collection. Lots of important software such as Libreoffice, Krita or Audacity have been ported, alongside webkit-based browsers.

And recently, they even got a Firefox port working.

Ygg2 2 days ago | root | parent |

It's such a neat piece of software. But I fear how some of my more exotic hardware will behave (mostly Wooting keyboard and Swiftpoint mice).

dddw 2 days ago | root | parent |

Those are just HID's right? Probably will just work. Not their proprietary toolkits though

BlackLotus89 15 hours ago | prev | next |

Holy shit. I'm actually typing this from within Haiku.

I downloaded the iso, flashed it to a usb thumb drive, put it into my T480 and it booted straight up.

Wifi works out of the box, the system is responsive, web browser is good enough for google and hackernews...

It's the year of the haiku desktop. Only thing weird is how the trackpad works :D

mixmastamyk 2 days ago | prev | next |

I played with it, pretty cool. Actual, real, legitimate scrollbars!

Now I’d like an explorer type tree view. Where can I find that?

snakeyjake 2 days ago | prev |

I love BeOS.

I love Haiku.

I love them more than you do.

I love BeOS more than Jean-Louis Gassée.

If you already love and enjoy Haiku and an electrified loving and enjoying machine increased your love and enjoyment by ten trillion times, I would STILL love and enjoy it more than you do.

It (they) will amount to nothing more than a hobby project (which is ok, I suppose) until multi-user is implemented. "i Am ThE oNlY pErSoN wHo UsEs My CoMpUtEr"

It's about security brah. This thing is going to be connected to the internet, no?

You're not smarter than the last 50 years of OS security development.